Monday, March 2, 2015

Pratical Pizza; Meals On Wheels With Pizza Hut App

By Sarah Parsons 

 You had me at pizza

Picture this; you are driving home from work and you get a hankering for some good ole Pizza Hut pizza, breadsticks, etc. But the only problem is, you don't know how to go about placing an order while you are going from work. Or, you have hungry children impatiently waiting at home who are hoping you don't come home again empty handed and sloppily put together frozen fish sticks and Easy-Mac again. Because, let's face it; sometimes you just don't feel like cooking or waiting in a drive-thru with other people possibly in the same predicament that you are in. Pizza Hut is here to help. The good people at Pizza Hut have come up with a solution to this problem by offering users of the app to order as they go.

How can this make things easier for me?

Texas-based company Pizza Hut Inc., San Francisco based company Visa Inc., and Ireland based consultant management firm Accenture PLC know how that feels. Basically, the app offers services like the ability for customers to order while driving, specifically beacon technology, which alerts employees when customers pull in to pick up their order. This means, the customer doesn't have to leave their vehicle when they pull up to a Pizza Hut location. Their order will be brought to them from the comfort of their car. The app also uses Visa Checkout, which is easier for the user to have their card information uploaded and ready to use when they arrive at a Pizza Hut location. A cool new facet for this Pizza Hut app is the ability for the car commerce program. This program enables users to have the inter-connectivity in their car, especially if they have a GPS navigation dashboard, that gives them the ability to download the app and use it in their car. 

How do you think users will respond to it?

I believe this is a smart move for Pizza Hut. The brand has had a torrid history with brand identity, specifically eliminating their buffet-style interior for a more polished and modern feel. Having the ability for delivery on-the-go through beacon technology with build customer loyalty with the brand. They are recognizing the inconveniences their customers face while ordering their food and are helping users navigate their order with ease. The pizza industry seems very cut-throat, especially with Domino's condensing their logo from "pizza" to the singular "Domino's". I'm interested to see how this inter connectivity with the car commerce program will fair with the app's new feature.  Let the pizza battles continue.

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